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Mint City Chapters: It's Our Turn Now

(Photo: Announcement Day/Kevin Ketchie)


by David Baker

Our team is almost three weeks old. And by "our team," I am referring to a team that’s got no name, no colors, no coach, and no players. Wonderful!

So what do we do for the next year as we impatiently await game one? Tepper told us at the announcement. First, he explained his intentions to build a world-class organization and a team that will compete for MLS Cup from day one. The team itself has a lot of work to do this year to keep that promise.

Tepper then challenged the fans to do their part. Mint City Collective already has a lot planned for this year, and local chapters are going to play a major role in that.

Side note: I personally had zero interest in joining a supporters' group at first; I envision myself as more of an independent fan than anything, and I talk about the team on Facebook with our discussion group all the time. But what I learned from talking to the guys in the Collective was that their vision for Mint City was very much in line with what something I want to be a part of.

MCC wants to reach everyone and come together on game day as a united group of fans with one goal: Support the team! Together! And local chapters help to organize that effort. Fifteen MCC supporters, a venue for watch parties, and occasional outreach in the community is all that’s needed? We can all do that! And a lot more! It's like each Charlotte neighborhood or Carolina city can have its own soccer-loving fan group community, one that can serve their local area too. (Editor's note: we have a group forming in Denver, Colorado too. We're going national already – global's next.) 

Did you know that buying a T-shirt is all it takes to be a member of MCC? Most of you probably do. But every one of us fans could reach out to our immediate circle of friends and get them onboard. Now, it’s also likely that some of these chapters won’t be right around the corner from Bank of America Stadium and everyone won't be able to easily make it to every game. But with chapters, you’ll still be able to go watch the game with fellow fans and have a great time!

Right now, there are nine chapters available on the MCC website, and many more are in the process of forming. Is there a max number of chapters? I hope not! Otherwise, we fans aren't living up to our end of the deal. Tepper told us to do our part as fans, so let’s be creative, form our chapters, and get to work!

Can you imagine showing up in Uptown for a game, standing alongside friends from your city or Charlotte neighborhood, and then joining with other chapters at our march to the match to fill the lower bowl with a sea of blue and mint?

It’s plain as day to me that the #TimeToStrike really is now! 

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